Tim and I did some gardening... wait, I meant "gardening"
I went with the Urban Gardener brand of herbs and T contributed a smiley mahogany man with india ink hair. We have basil, thyme, sage, rosemary, and cilantro.
He also decided to create an ad for MiracleGro Moisture control potting soil with his hibiscus. And part of a surfboard.
Of course, after we had planted our new garden... "garden," I poked at all the herbs every chance I got, we obsessed over them, and said things like, "I think they're really settling in!" T reminded me we would lose interest in a few days. That's probably true.
We went to IKEA and Home Depot (not once, but TWICE! for gardening supplies) this weekend, which makes it official, we are living some sort of yuppie dream.
next thing you know youll by a big spread in inverness and buy trees over the weekend