Sunday, December 21, 2008

Snowy Day

The snow has turned into some sort of fast moving sleet, or "wintry mix," if you will, and my heart hurts inside my 4th floor apartment. my heart will hurt when i get irrationally angry about some little thing, why do i get so angry about little things? I don't know, i get indignant very easily, i should probably work on that.

it would be weird if my middle initial was L, Michelle L Kiang, sounds like a weird nickname, oh also my initials would be MLK.

I am feeling very "in progress" today, very, not all together, maybe a little anxious. What should I be doing next year? I'm worried, I'm worrying, it's pointless.

IL in 36 hours.

Have I told you about my wonderful boyfriend who I am completely head over heels for? I'll have to fill you in sometime.

My favorite book when I was little was Richard Scarry's Best Word Book Ever. My favorite coloring book when I was little was one of the Muppet Babies. My favorite page in that book was obviously one where they were in the kitchen, and I remember being overly thrilled that I could use the silver crayon to color in the pots and pans.

Holy fuck this cross stitching makes me want to slit my wrists.

My poor planning on Christmas package deliveries is causing me a lot of stress. Ughgghhughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

missing umlaut

Season 2 premiere of Flight of the Conchords

i blog about the stupidest shit, i am making an effort to inject more meaning into these posts.

things i don't understand:
(continuing with the last post's theme)
  • modern dance
  • the ikea commericals with the old black lady
  • people who wear knee high boots and capri pants that don't overlap
  • ADDED: manga and anime, I'm sorry, I just can't get behind this
did you know that the only thing i have ever consistently wanted to be when i grew up was an artist? marine biologist, that came and went. archeologist, that came and went. doctor, that is soooo gone. i can remember when i was eight or nine, going to the library and checking out how to draw books and thinking to myself that maybe i had a hidden talent and i should probably check, just in case. i had boxes and boxes of crayons, colored pencils, and markers and i can remember just sitting there with a piece of paper and trying to will myself to draw something. it never worked.

I think this quote is beautiful, it is from october 26th's sunday NYT and about georgia:

"but the president of america should come to tskhinvali, wrecked but alive, wrecked, but with people who are experiencing joy and freedom."

i even underlined the words "wrecked but alive" when i wrote it down, i think that should give you some insight on how i felt during that time period.

from monday, october 27th, i have written down this string of words





okay michelle... what?

by the way, missing umlaut could be a killer band name.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I Like Typing

I really do, I like typing a lot. Almost as much as I like writing. I like writing because of how it looks and I l ike typing because of how it sounds.

Things I really like:
  • the Olsen twins. Shut up, I think they have style. Or stylists. Whatever.
  • the song Drops of Jupiter by Train. I love it.
  • legwarmers
  • Bill Hader and Fred Armisen
  • TL

Things I hate:
  • the Lexus commerical with the girl who gets the pony for Christmas. That girl is a biiiiitch.
  • doing this cross-stitch for my sister
Things I have been interested in:
  • finding a black blazer
  • finding a black miniskirt
  • black military style boots
  • finding a skirt with the silhouette that miu miu dress i tumblr-ed about has
  • wearing all black, all the time
  • turducken
Things I am undecided about:
  • cutting my hair
  • plans for the future
I am in a very frivolous mood today.

I really like this title: Today The Sky is Blue and White with Bright Blue Spots and a Small Pale Moon and I Will Destroy Our Relationship Today - Tao Lin

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


apparently there is this thing called tumblr, which is kind of like twitter on crack. so i got one because i have a lot of images and things i like to look at and remember and think about. i'm still kind of confused about the concept, but generally, i like it.


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

puppy squishing

there is no fucking way this puppy is real. it's martha stewart's new dog and it kind of reminds me of a refrigerator


seriously, i want to squeeze this dog until it yelps a little because i squeezed (or squoze, if prefer) it too hard out of my love for it's cuteness

I want to color with this colored pencil sea urchin.

i was going to write about how i hate pantone's color of the year prediction but i'm too tired to get angry. okay. im going to go home and lie down.

Monday, December 8, 2008

One more thing, I'm gonna pay by check

I am sick right now, which I blame on a variety of things.

1) I have been very adverse to wearing pants. By this I mean to work. Not that I'm just going pantless all the time.
2a) S sabotaging my health within the apartment by passing on her germs from last week
2b) Law school (any kind of school, really) is a known breeding ground of germs
3) I started hugging people in a misguided attempt to convey real feeling. Michelle hugs will no longer be implemented.
4) Fake winter. Decide now if it will be 50 degrees or 10 degrees, Boston, I don't like flip floppers.
5) Our refusal to turn on our heat coupled with our very poorly insulated windows. This just seems to be a grudge match.
6) I am a very weak person.

"J in My Pants" is a very difficult song to have stuck in your head, because you kind of want to run around yelling "and I jizz in my pants," but you also realize that it's pretty inappropriate to do that while at work. I resolve this problem by just thinking about that song in my head, dreaming of Euro-Andy Samberg, and laughing to myself a lot. Does the beginning noise remind you of "Scream" by Michael and Janet Jackson? That's what it makes me think about. A lot of different people emailed me "Jizz in my Pants" on Sunday because they thought I would like it... does that make me predictable or just the kind of pervy weirdo that likes songs about premature ejaculation? I've noticed that the Lonely Island boys tend to sing with an English accent. Love it.

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Japanese are Crazy

Look at this gyoza dog... LOOK AT IT

If you're as scared / interested as I am then you are very scared, but VERY interested... also disturbed a little.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I smile to myself in my cubicle

My happiness level is extraordinarily high, and I think I figured out what I'm giving people for Christmas. Uhmm maybe.

When did I start writing UHM and not UM?

So my dad and I talk maybe once a month for about 5 minutes, and it's usually the same old shit. He recently discovered that I like art, so every once in awhile he'll send me something. He sent me a few pictures of old bikes this week, and this one is my favorite

It's called the Bowden Spacelander, from 1960, and it was the first plastic bike. Also, non-ridable. Also, I love it.

This warmed my heart today: Teddy Bears in Space

Look at that teddy bear on the right, jammed into that plastic bottle! eeeeeeeeeeeee! It's so cute and kind of sad and adorable and I love it.

I'm so filled with happiness and smiles and rainbows and fuzzy bunnies and hearts right now it's disgusting.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Love You Slash Worried About You

Hi, miss you pre-rehab, buttoned up, frumpy, adorable, borderline attractive Marc

Promiscuous, muscle-y and tatted up Marc kind of scares me.

PS: I wish that Sprouse's graffiti aesthetic would go away.

PPS: On second thought, Marc might still be on drugs.

It's from Resort 2009, and it's 900 dollars / 225 dollars per bow. Take that in.