Wednesday, December 17, 2008

missing umlaut

Season 2 premiere of Flight of the Conchords

i blog about the stupidest shit, i am making an effort to inject more meaning into these posts.

things i don't understand:
(continuing with the last post's theme)
  • modern dance
  • the ikea commericals with the old black lady
  • people who wear knee high boots and capri pants that don't overlap
  • ADDED: manga and anime, I'm sorry, I just can't get behind this
did you know that the only thing i have ever consistently wanted to be when i grew up was an artist? marine biologist, that came and went. archeologist, that came and went. doctor, that is soooo gone. i can remember when i was eight or nine, going to the library and checking out how to draw books and thinking to myself that maybe i had a hidden talent and i should probably check, just in case. i had boxes and boxes of crayons, colored pencils, and markers and i can remember just sitting there with a piece of paper and trying to will myself to draw something. it never worked.

I think this quote is beautiful, it is from october 26th's sunday NYT and about georgia:

"but the president of america should come to tskhinvali, wrecked but alive, wrecked, but with people who are experiencing joy and freedom."

i even underlined the words "wrecked but alive" when i wrote it down, i think that should give you some insight on how i felt during that time period.

from monday, october 27th, i have written down this string of words





okay michelle... what?

by the way, missing umlaut could be a killer band name.


  1. Why be an artist? Is it the being an artist, or the creativity aspect? Because I remember someone somewhere saying something like: everyone can be an artist if they are arrogant enough to force their crap on other people (and pass it off as not being crap). Just draw, and stop worrying about if it's good enough.

  2. And re: missing umlaut as a band name. Who are you, Dave Barry?

  3. I wish i was dave barry, that guy is hiiiiiiiiiiilarious. I distinctly remember reading him in whatever shitty sunday magazine that came in the daily herald when we were growing up.

    and no, i do not want to be an artist, i'm just telling you about my failed childhood dreams.

  4. i am so gay for you.

  5. umlaut is one of my favorite words. just saying.

    also, i am jealous that an anonymous person is so gay for you.

  6. We don't understand the same things! With a double-underline under manga and anime. Hate.

    Also, doesn't it kind of bother you that "umlaut" doesn't have any umlauts? Like what the fuck? Just saying.
