Monday, December 8, 2008

One more thing, I'm gonna pay by check

I am sick right now, which I blame on a variety of things.

1) I have been very adverse to wearing pants. By this I mean to work. Not that I'm just going pantless all the time.
2a) S sabotaging my health within the apartment by passing on her germs from last week
2b) Law school (any kind of school, really) is a known breeding ground of germs
3) I started hugging people in a misguided attempt to convey real feeling. Michelle hugs will no longer be implemented.
4) Fake winter. Decide now if it will be 50 degrees or 10 degrees, Boston, I don't like flip floppers.
5) Our refusal to turn on our heat coupled with our very poorly insulated windows. This just seems to be a grudge match.
6) I am a very weak person.

"J in My Pants" is a very difficult song to have stuck in your head, because you kind of want to run around yelling "and I jizz in my pants," but you also realize that it's pretty inappropriate to do that while at work. I resolve this problem by just thinking about that song in my head, dreaming of Euro-Andy Samberg, and laughing to myself a lot. Does the beginning noise remind you of "Scream" by Michael and Janet Jackson? That's what it makes me think about. A lot of different people emailed me "Jizz in my Pants" on Sunday because they thought I would like it... does that make me predictable or just the kind of pervy weirdo that likes songs about premature ejaculation? I've noticed that the Lonely Island boys tend to sing with an English accent. Love it.

1 comment:

  1. I love "J in My Pants" to no end. Jorma is the cuuuuutest.
