Friday, May 29, 2009

Our weekend with the LegoLegend

Spoiler alert: the zoo is just as you remember it, except not as cool.

Being home was really nice, but I would also venture to call it exhausting. It just felt pretty non stop, even with intermittent napping.

We went to Hot Dougs! Totally worth the wait. Although Tim and I were talking about it yesterday and I don't think there was one normal hot dog in that whole bunch. Hmm..

We also drank lots of Mexican Coke, had a Nachorama, went on an architectural boat tour (please pronounce this as TUR), played with lots of Legos, saw Night at the Museum 2, loved on all the animals, had dim sum in Chinatown, and obvi ate a lot of delicious foods. Joey was crazier than ever and had several new dances to show off. He also told us his nickname is Joey Lego Legend and that "you guys are always tagonizing me!!!" Tim almost got sexually assaulted by him on the last day and endured several beatings from Joey when he had Wolverine Claws on. As a reference, imagine this child as Joey but with two claws on and running at you full speed while yelling and brandishing said claws. Oh they also make slashing noises!

Terrifying and hilarious to watch.

I think we were both certainly very glad to go home to a quiet apartment with no dogs or kids. I would post more pictures but all the pictures I took were of that polar bear and hot dogs. I am so lame.


  1. Sounds like a whirl-wind trip. The thought of Joey & the claws makes my day. Sad I missed ya, but glad you had fun.

  2. Please do not forget the fondue and strips...the vines and ice water...*circles biceps alternately*

  3. i also JUST RECENTLY had to explain in full detail what a chicago hotdog was to a friend... they thought it involved chilly. No my friend. No it does not.
