Friday, July 17, 2009

Apparently it's called a "Web log"

I saw this "gem" when I stopped at Citibank to get some cash.

Tim and I were in New Hampshire yesterday looking at an "apartment." By "apartment" I really mean half of a brick house in a neighborhood called Atlantic Heights, WHICH I found out today was one of the nation's first housing projects. For realsies. That seems very fitting. No pictures yet but I'm very fond of it. And, if we live there, we will be able to see Maine from our window, making us the Palins of NH. Developmentally disabled child notwithstanding.

Then we went to a flatbread pizza place, which is um maybe too "earthy" and "organic" but nonetheless delicious. Our clean cut, vanilla looking waiter had two tattoos running down the back of his arms. Left: Don't Tread on Me (complete with cut up snake) and Right: Live Free or Die. Oh New Hampshire.

I'm drinking this diet Orange Crush and wondering why I think neon orange colored things are presumably okay to ingest. I just can't help it, I love orange soda.

When I was little, I would often have snacks of orange juice and cheetos, not only because OJ was usually the only juice we had in the house and Cheetos were my mom's favorite junk food, but because I really liked the idea of only eating things that were one color.

By the way, I can still drink orange juice disturbingly quickly, as a remnant of my OJ filled past.

I bought a bunch of birthday cards from fomato, and this card perfectly encapsulates what I want someone to do for my birthday. I obvi am going to send this to my sister. In 4 months. When it is finally her birthday. I couldn't help buying it! I loved it too much!!! I really like fomato items. I think possibly because they mostly relate to eating. If I ever open the über-shoppe (you have to pronounce it shop-E) of my dreams, fomato will be included.

I'm nervous about the future and moving. I realized this after I noticed I had already bitten three of my nails on my left hand. Now they are hurty. BOO URNS.

Less than a month of AmeriCorps left! If you want to be precise, which I want you to, it's only TWENTY more working days. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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