Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July never seemed so strange

Clouds... still here. We had four glorious days of sunshine (okay, maybe more like 3 and half) but yesterday was more familiar - downpouring at 60 degrees. It's hard to think about other things when the weather is like this. Every conversation you have with anyone will at one point reference this terrible weather. Seriously. Come on Boston, I know you have it in you!

Speaking of Boston, I am maybe 15% through Infinite Jest, and it's really good, even though I still miss a lot of Boston location references. It's hard when people ask me what its about though, since I still borderline have no idea. I mean. Wheelchair assassins, hundreds of characters, a psuedo future, "The Entertainment," tennis, addiction, sponsored year names ("Year of the Whopper"), giant feral infants, 11 page footnotes... how am I supposed to explain all of that? Regardless. It's good. It draws you in. Also DFW grew up in Champaign, so I feel a faux connection to him (just like Dave Eggers and Dan Savage, who both went to U of I). Sometimes I pick it up, start reading, and have to put it down because I know my brain won't be able to process it that day. Also sometimes my puny muscles can't handle it since the book itself is ginormous.

Speaking of my puny muscles, I went rock climbing for the first time ever yesterday! It was amazing. Although I scraped my elbow and my muscles are a little sore today, I made it to the top of the 27 foot wall! Yay! Also learned to tie some nice knots. If i was a girl scout I would definitely want to get a merit badge in knot tying. I think it's cool. (Shut up)

Speaking of lame things I think are cool, I started working on a Keyboard Cat cross stitch... ehehehehehehe. If you haven't seen keyboard cat, I would recommend you watch it here

It is going to be a key piece of decor for our new apartment. Location (of keyboard cat AND apartment) to be determined. In New Hampshire. Yes, I'm moving to New Hampshire!!!!!!!!!

Clouds! Rocks! Ocean! New England! Yay!

Tim and I were talking the other day and wondering: where the FUCK is Old Zealand?

Oh and remember to be impressed today when the clock reads: 12:34.56 7/8/09

BE IMPRESSED, I SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Man i need to buy Jest. good article on DFW in rolling stone last fall. in talking about growing up in champaign (from an old interview), DFW says, "I remember my parents reading Ulysses out loud to each other in bed, holding hands and both lovin' something really fiercely."

  2. I WAS IMPRESSED!!!! Much like I am impressed by your cat/piano thing-a-ma-bobby you've got going on there. awesome.

    i want to live on the ocean, too. take me. i'll be your strangely human golden retriever or something.
    --JP Morgan
