Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday = Blogday

It might hit 90 degrees today in ol' crappy Boston-town! Hooray?

My day started bright and early at 6:15, which meant I was a zombie. Whenever I get up early, my brain is all confused. I never know what I should wear, I have to check the weather 2 or 3 times, and I wander in and out of the bathroom forgetting whatever it was that made me go in there in the first place.

One thing that I DID remember was to start downloading episode 208 of True Blood. We all have to have priorities.

I'm totally into Sheriff Eric in the show, but I'm totally not into what he's selling in real life. I shouldn't have Google Image Searched him :(

TEN THUMBS DOWN! Don't worry, once he's got that track suit and slicked back hair goin on I'll be into it again.

BTW: When I googled "Eric True Blood," a Dr. Eric Trueblood in Bloomington, IN showed up. Best name ever in the worst state ever!

At 7am, I went to a dreamworld of magic: my dentist's office. Hooray.

Oh yes, I broke my temporary crown on Saturday at a birthday party while eating pita chips. I then broke another tooth by chewing on said broken crown.

My dentist fixed me up and sent me on my way, sans 500 dollars. If you're keeping track out there, that brings the total up to 3500, which is the going rate for about 4 months of full time VISTA work. Believe it.

When I was just about to leave, the dentist told me it was a shame that I was moving, because I'm such a great patient. Of course, he meant to say, because your teeth are awful and I got bills to pay.

Now I got a new tooth, molded out of nothing but a song and a prayer and tooth colored composite and 500 dollars, much like yours truly.


1 comment:

  1. all i could think of was, "Hey wait a second, he looked WAY older in Good Will Hunting." then i discovered Stellan Skarsgård has had 19 children.
