Friday, November 21, 2008

It's Friday, I'm in Love

A boy I liked once dedicated that song to me in what I like to call, the smoothest fucking move ever. He was a tricky one, and "Friday, I'm in Love", along with some other choice tracks (I can think of another two off the top of my head), always makes me think of him fondly, even after four years... five years? Oh those radio DJs, always such ladykillers.

Uhm, that wasn't the topic of this post. Not that they usually have a topic, but I just wanted to clarify. Maybe I should start having defined topics.

I saw Slumdog Millionaire with JRL in LA last weekend, and it was great, cute story, very Bollywood-esque. Amazing visuals and I think very well put together. Go watch it, I don't know how to write about movies.

I was thinking about homunculi the other night. Go check one out, it will remind you of when you first learned about it in high school. I love how the figurines look, except they kind of remind me of stoner art. In physiology lab one time, we did this bizarre experiment involving calipers and pinching different areas of your body and seeing how it was sensed differently. I so hated that class. I sometimes hate not being in class right now.

Really cannot stop listening to this song: Pale Young Gentlemen's The Crook of My Good Arm. Go listen to it, and then when you are listening to it, you can think about me.


  1. I really want to see "Slumdog" 'cause the lead is on my obsession, "Skins." He plays Anwar, the sexually repressed Indian Brit. Therefor, he's always wanking or showing off his skinny backside.

    Anywho, I LOVE A.M.!

  2. Uhm totally agree, he is adorably lanky and Indian... don't get me started on the accent. He was just on Letterman and he talks about being naked on the show and how his family watches it.

  3. Does he have his British accent in the movie or more of a generic "Indian" dialect?

  4. since you liked boyle's Slum Dog, give his Sunshine a try, MAYBE?!?! it may be sci-fi and have a guy from NATM in it... but put together, it's one pretty hot chick!

  5. William - No, its more of a generic Indian accent. He's still adorable.

    Graham - Nice try.

  6. Sunshine is a pretty movie, but it has no soul, and it's kind of weird. Sunshine is the Scarlett Johansson of movies.
