Friday, February 13, 2009

Space disc... is totally cancelled

The latest Garfield without Garfield is terrifying. Jon's teeth are especially disturbing. 
Friday friday friday friday friday friday yessssssssssssssssssssssssss

S and I had an epic cheese plate yesterday: a double creme goat (hers, not mine), a raw milk roquefort, Dubliner cheddar, and some Saint Andre triple creme with some Vermont apiary crystallized honey, sopressata, and almonds. Words can't express how much I love cheese. 

Was it just me or did you guys think leopard prints were going to die by now? Apparently not.


1 comment:

  1. 1. Jon is FRIGHTENING. People aren't meant to have rounded teeth.

    2. I think I drooled at your cheese plate description.

    3. I'm not even clear on why leopard prints were ever popular in the first place?? They remind me of my 87-year-old great-aunt who lives in Florida. She is burnt orange with platinum-blonde hair = klassy. You can see why I've stayed away from leopard prints my whole life.
