Thursday, February 5, 2009

Useless things

Someone's Facebook status just spoiled Lost for me. Damn you, Facebook. Although the spoiler DID seem pretty intriguing...

I'm hungry but it's too cold to go outside for food, since I did not pack a lunch today. Thus, my lunch has been composed of what's in my food drawer: lots of tea, a CLIF bar, a Campbell's Soup at Hand (Tomato), some yogurt covered raisins, and raw almonds. Worst lunch ever. Also, I ran out of gummi bears yesterday. Fuck. I was going to take a picture of the lunch, but then I was too hungry to pause. 

Wait, I mean I ran out of the gummi bears I brought to the office, not the five pound bag I bought a few weeks ago, although I'm not sure I would put it past myself to do that. 

BBW is leeeeeeeeeeeeaving Boston for warmer (and whiter) pastures out west. Sigh. Jealous. But: new reason to visit Colorado (aka: no longer just a white myth?). Hopefully, BBW can get to the South End soon and we can avoid holding a DPC meeting by eating disgusting amounts of NYPizza. 

I've noticed that I have a bunch of stuff that seems to have hung around for an inordinate amount of time. I mean, not things I need like a Social Security card or a birth certificate, but stupid things I should have lost years ago--  
  1. I have a Hello Kitty pencil from 1987. NINETEEN EIGHTY SEVEN. I was three when I got that pencil. I still have it. It's sitting on my bedside table. I no longer use it because I am afraid of sharpening it into oblivion. 
  2. I have a mechanical pencil from 8th grade that is clear with black rubber grips, and takes 0.5 sized lead (this is important, 0.7 lead is too smudgy) and I have taken every test since 8th grade with it. No, seriously, including the ACTs, SATs, SATIIs, and the MCAT. 
  3. I have a Gap gray ribbed cardigan from 2001 (when I used to work at the Gap) that I don't even really like, yet still have, even though I have almost no qualms about donating or throwing away my clothes. Sometimes I put it on, and then think, NO, and then put it back in my closet. 
What led me to oversharing and telling you this (so that now you think i am a crazy bag lady type person) is that the chapstick I keep in my desk at work has finally run out (which I think marks the first time I have ever completely used up a tube of chapstick). This ChapStick brand lip moisturizer has been in various coat pockets and drawers since 2003. The weird part is, I don't even really like this chapstick. It's weirdly vanilla scented and kind of waxy tasting... why have I been toting this around for 6 years? Anyways. Goodbye ChapStick, I won't really miss you, but I bet I will buy a chapstick that I love and then use it for a week and then lose it forever. 


  1. thank you for not ruining LOST in your update, because i definitely missed last nights episode too.
