Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Something wonderful happened to me today while I was in Shaw's...

I happened upon these
Obviously, in the name of curiosity and puffed cheese love, I had to buy them. Also, they were on sale, so win-win-win situation.

I barely contained myself from ripping open the bag in the store, in fact, I made it all the way until 15 seconds after I got in the door to the apartment...

OH MY. These balls are gigantic (please be thinking "thats what she said" in your mind right now). After I ate about 5, I was actually full. I mean, these almost don't fit in your mouth, they're so big (TWSS), and they kind of hurt your jaw to chew (TWSS?), but they are delicious!

Unbelievable. Many thanks to Chester Cheetah for inventing these and helping me achieve my goal of morbid obesity.

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