Monday, March 9, 2009

My dad asked for my mailing address a while ago, and I was kind of confused. 

A few weeks later, some flowers appeared.

Today, I picked up a package at the post office. Inside were these: 

They are a series of keychains you could buy from Mister Donut (in Taiwan) after buying whatever dozen of donuts. I have two Pon de Lions, an Erimaki Fashioned (with an old-fashioned donut around his head?), a French Wooler (which is such a great name / pun), a Churrolina-Tonakaina (a deer with churro antlers), and a Chocoringuma (a monkey with chocolate donut ears?). Actually, on closer look, they might be cell phone charms.

The ones pictured are two Butter Lion pencils (also an excellent name), the Angel da Zou (elephant), and the Honey Shippo (the squirrel)

My dad is hilarious. And kind of awesome. 


  1. I love that elephant!! How adorable!! :) Your dad is hilarious and kind of awesome. :)

  2. i would like to randomly say that i got drunk with B's parents tonight, on one too many martinis. and subsequently rode in a lincoln town car.
