Wednesday, March 4, 2009

over caffeinated.

Spelling the word caffeine gives me a lot of trouble. Isn't it supposed to be "i before e except after c"? uhmmm when did i become a simpleton? Wait, is that question mark supposed to be in the quotations or out of the quotations? I feel like it should be out of the quotations, because... the quote isn't the question? I need to go back to school, my brain is rotting. 

Now that I have told you about my lack of grammar knowledge, here is a story I copyread  for our newspaper last Thursday :
So I should feel better than I am not as inept as this writer, who consistently enrages me, as apparently, he has never heard of this concept called "proofreading your article after you are done writing the worst piece of shit ever. "

So a nice thing about working in chinatown is that you dont have to be nice to ANYONE. Seriously. Don't do it. If you are nice to anyone, they will take advantage of you by cutting in front of you in line, spitting in your vicinity, and blowing their cigarette smoke in your face. Asians do not tolerate such weakness. 

I am in the process of moving my part from the left side to the right side. It makes me feel kinda funny, like when we used to climb the rope in gym class. Just kidding, I could never climb the rope in gym class. Seriously. By the way, if you haven't seen me recently, my hair is terrifyingly long. T told me I'm just making bald people feel bad. 

I have done an amazing amount of no work today, even more so than usual. Highlights of the work day so far include: a coffee at Au Bon Pain, writing in my journal, realizing that everyone just got twitter (made possible through my white twin's facebook), immediately following everyone on twitter, and just now, eating a banana. I am amazing. 

1 comment:

  1. Omg, now you understand why i hate my life. That is my life, every day. Dealing with people like that. Why oh why did I think this would be a good idea??
