Thursday, March 19, 2009

old pictures

I connected my iphone to my work computer today and it automatically transfered all the pictures. Here are some gems I found:

1. A note from the Best Buy at the corner of Mass Ave and Newbury.. I found this hilarious. Were the employees using the vacuums to vacuum or for more sinister things? I don't know. I don't want to know.

2. Me squishing Joey's face at a Target this past summer because he couldn't make the fishy face himself. Also, he happens to be obsessed with looking at pictures of himself. This kid is going to LOVE facebook.

3. The OG, Kirby. I swear, if I come home one day and it turns out that Kirby is dead and no one bothered to tell me (note: this happened in college), my sister is going to get the beating of a lifetime (note: she would kick my ass).

4. CHRIS MARTIN HIMSELF proposing to S outside of a random Italian Eatery. That's right everyone. It happened, and I have proof. Chris liked it and he was going to put a ring on it but turns out she hates him. A common story.


  1. joey is probably already ON facebook

  2. Wait...Chris Martin?

    Also, you should totally send that first picture in to Passive Aggressive Notes.

  3. joey is the cutiest cuter to ever cute. How can you even resist that face?
